Monday, December 12, 2005

A new venture

Well, here goes a brand new, somewhat frightening, endeavor on my part. Will I spell correctly and have proper grammar? Will I attract some freak psycho? Will I embarass myself? Will anyone even care? (About the grammar and spelling.) A secret to some of you....Mr. SAHM, although he is an educator with an advanced degree, is a mediocre speller at best.

Today I picked up Simon a little late from preschool, which is actually not my norm! His teacher said "So it sounds like you had a rough morning! Today was Simon's day for sharing." Hooooo boy....what did he say? Apparently, he told of his dad's truck breaking down, of us going to pick up him and his big sister at 6:45 in the morning to take them to school. Correct story, but it happened last week. Also, he shared that "My dad punched a hole in our wall!". Also, a SOMEWHAT correct story, but the hole was carefully created a week ago Sunday to repair a ruptured water pipe. Not bad, considering another boy shared a story of his mom in her underwear! Glad THAT wasn't me.



Blogger Renee said...

You got a big laugh outa me. Good 1st post!

3:01 PM  
Blogger Japheth said...

Oh boy! Out of the mouths of babes, come things their parents should never have said! This was my fathers favorite saying when we were growing up. Especially after my younger brother found a birthday card from my mother to father which stated the she thought he was "as strong as an ox, brave like a lion, gentle as a lamb, and as (many horns) as a moose! He, having grown up in Canada and seen many moose thought this was funny for a completely innocent reason and so he repeted it at church to several ladies.

My mother got very read and still gets flustered when it recounted!

Our children our only getting to this stage so I am not sure yet what I'm in for!

6:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes kids embarass us, or sometimes they educate us. More often than not, they embarass us. McKenna said yesterday on the way to the hospital, "Lets call them and tell them we cahnged our minds, okay?" I had to tell her no thanks. Sounds as though you will have a very entertaining blog site here, niece. Keep warm over there! Sherwood Uncle

11:41 AM  

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