Thursday, April 26, 2007

Yabba Dabba.....

I'm taking a brief pause from my household duties (as if anyone needs a reason to do that) to enjoy 1 of my 2 recent purchases that are exciting to me. The first, is a new recipe organizer/book. I don't know why, but for some reason I, and I'm sure many other women out there, seem to enjoy getting new recipe books and or organizers. This has pockets and allows me to put the 4x6 cards in a separate box into these folders and get rid of a small box, with a large book. Seems reasonable. There's also nice, crisp, big, lined pages to write new recipes onto, as well as a magnet list for the fridge and 3 fridge magnets. All for $8.99!

This is not the new thing that I am enjoying right now though...A few weeks ago Tavin and I went to watch the local middle school production of "Fiddler on the Roof" because a friend of ours had a lead role. We came to find out that neither her nor anyone in her family had seen the actual movie, nor were they even aware it was a movie. Travesty! So, my other purchase, for a mere $12.99, was a 2-DVD set of "Fiddler on the roof". Yesssss!! That's what is playing now, and I really like it. My next plan is to invite them over for a "Fiddler" evening, as they did express interest in viewing the real thing. :) Next, would be to see if they've ever seen "Gone with the Wind", as my parents made sure we watched it when I was 16. ;)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

See how "well rounded" you are culturally as a result of the movies we made you watch in your "younger years!" The recipe book looks interesting. See you later. MOM

1:39 PM  

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