Saturday, April 28, 2007

Noisy neighbors (and not the human or canine type this time)

We have quite the collection of bird species here in NE Oregon. This was our "lost neighbor" this morning.
I frequently see Quail this time of year, sometimes an entire "squad" complete with a whole string of very small ones trailing their parents. Even better is when they are running across the top of my back fence, but I've never been quick enough to catch them with my camera. This morning however, one was calling quite loudly in out front.

As you can see, the birdy made its way around our neighbor's garage then helped itself right up to the front porch. I did catch a smattering of video so we could hear its vocals, but I can't copy video as of yet.

The only thing this birdy managed to attract was a curious Robin that began responding from my yard. Fortunately for them, George (the cat) was nowhere in sight.



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