Monday, April 10, 2006

The Quiet Game Strikes Again

I will have to hurry here, I'm trying to get ready to go to Spokane with/not with my husband, who is going there for a job fair tomorrow. My role is to not impede or embarass him (that would be keeping Simon and Lucy away...Tavin is staying at our pastors' house) so he can dine with his administrator counterparts and their relatives that orchestrated this event. Apparently part of his job is, along with the superintendent and high school administrator, to entice young (foolish?) teachers to come out here and practice their new talents in the middle of nowhere. Anyway, being as tomorrow is my birthday (and I will be 25 thank you very much...again)I don't fancy the thought of being alone for 2 full days with all three kids. Plus, I looked into it and there will be minimal extra cost for ME to pay with the proceeds of my "job". And I promised to be independent and not needy of him or his time. (snort)

Anyhow, I remembered something Simon did Friday that reminded me of Uncle Will. Tavin was at the birthday party, Lucy was sleeping, so it was just the 3 of us at the dinner table. Simon wanted gum (a very hard-to-earn prize in this house as Kevin doesn't like to find the deposited chewed pieces in the carpet, amongst other hiding places)so he says "Can I play the quiet game for some gum?".

That, my family and friends, is successful parenting! :) He was quiet for the dinner just to chew gum for 15 minutes before bed IN THE HOUSE. Actually, we bent the rules and gave him gum right after dinner, and then I took him to see "Ice Age 2" which I thought was hilarious. He kept thinking the ads before the PREVIEWS were the movie and laughed at pictures of salon people. Well......



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