Friday, February 24, 2006

Poor Squirrel

Part of Tavin's writing class includes journaling. Sometimes her teacher gives them the freedom to write whatever they want and other times they are to copy a topic or question to elaborate on. It is very easy to tell which is Tavin's preference. "Free topics" are very sloppy and have quite a bit more content. The assigned topics are written very carefully (in cursive) and have a 1-2 line answer. She recently filled up her journal and brought it home for us to have. Always a good read to see what your 9 year old REALLY thinks. She had entries about how she misses her friends, how much she likes Lucy, and other comments about her brother, her frequent travels to the we go there more often than I realized. Anyway, she made an entry after our trip last week to Salem and then to the coast. (Kevin had a conference in Salem, which just happened to coincide with the state wresting tournament. Guess what highschool wrestlers do in their hotel rooms at night? Imagine what it sounds like!) Anyway, after a full day with all 3 kids, I was a little less-than-sane. Kevin offered to take them out for a few hours, drive around, get them dinner and go to the mall or something. (This even made a journal entry for Tavin.) When they returned, my children reported to me that they'd witnessed a gruesome, cruel (depending on whose aspect you take), life changing scene that will stay with them always. The rural roads of Salem are apparently crosswalks for various rodents and other wildlife. Let me just report it as it may have sounded to a fly in the van:

"Look dad! There's a big grey squirrel in the road!" Tavin says. (Actually probably a grey digger, a little lower in the rank of rodent cuteness.)
"WHAT DID YOU DO?" Cries Simon.
Kevin, aka "dad", checks the rearview mirror and sees a mortally wounded grey digger (aka, glorified possom) performing various hip-hop dance moves in the middle of the road. His conscience pricks at him, as does the various outcries of his children. He stops the car, and since there is no traffic within sight, turns the van around and sends the unfortunate squirrel to it's next step in the circle of life.
And other protestations could be heard emanating from the passenger seats of the van. Kevin, aka daddy, graciously gave our children a gentle lesson in the differences of suffering and death, only as it relates to ANIMALS of course. :)

To truly understand how funny this was, may I suggest getting a first hand account from one of the witnesses.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wait until Tavin is 15 and purposely runs over a "rodent" on the road! Your blog is always good for a laugh. Even tho I may already know the stories. mom

3:47 PM  

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