Friday, December 29, 2006

Escape to work

We are nearly normal, for us anyway, here finally! I have never been so excited to work as I was yesterday and today. I'm even looking forward to covering New Years' Day. Of course, who wouldn't for double pay?? I haven't been covering this holiday since I was on call New Years' Eve for Y2K, the great hubaloo that never happened. Yesterday while on a home visit (to a person that could nearly be described as "my neighbor") I encountered something I actually haven't seen before, but now that I type this I recall a similar incident in East Linn County. On yesterdays visit, I was sitting across from a man who was pleasantly describing his political views to me, fortunately we pretty much agree, and I looked over at his much-used ash tray to see his hand gun. It was the first time we'd met and I was very glad I wasn't a Nancy Pelosi enthusiast! The only similar incident was an 80 + year old gentleman, who was very vision-challenged that kept a loaded shot gun by his recliner. I'm discovering that I"m more comfortable around guns, than large dogs, as one seems to be more predictable than the other and yesterday was the first time I had a dog come at me over a gate as soon as I turned my back. I think I"m the one that needs a hand gun. Ha!



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