Saturday, June 17, 2006

My first (sort of) attempt at pictures

Ok, this is aggravating. I had a picture and a post and lost it. So, here I am repeating myself. Long story shorter, now: Tavin and I went a-garage-saling. (New phrase that I will bravely put out there.) We found a "wild fire", albeit a small one, that was within 20 feet of a nice neighborhood. We stopped, and watched crop dusters spray the houses and the very fire. We didn't stay to avoid being in the way, (rubber neckers) but did get to see a few sirens, just not where we were. No one seemed to know how it was started. Cool airplanes and very low. Too bad the boys missed it. :)



Blogger SAHM said...

Ok, does anyone know where my pictures may have gone to? I uploaded them to blogger from files on my computer?? Mr Ice Tea? Or Son of WLEN musings?? :0)

1:21 PM  
Blogger SAHM said...

Still no luck. It says I can now make changes to my post and publisdh my blog. No pictures show up when I pub. I've disabled NAV, don"t know where else to look. :)

5:16 PM  

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