Monday, April 24, 2006

Inappropriate Humor

Kevin came home today with such a good story, I have to plagiarize it. (I guess if I'm giving him credit for it, it is not plagiarism, right?) He had a substitute teacher in his school today, in a 2nd grade class. This individual happens to be a not-too-elderly gentleman, also a retired teacher. Anyway, the 2nd graders were doing their journaling and he has an "episode" (hypoglycemia apparently), loses consciousness, falling from his chair to the floor. Here's where it gets interesting (Ok, I have to admit I am sick.....I laughed)....NONE of the kids did anything! No body thought this was unusual. Somehow, an adult found him (another key is that he does this EVERY time he subs...I'm guessing he's not making adequate adjustments in his intake/med doses when his schedule changes)and he was assisted without use of any major medical attention. Kevin covered his class during this snack time, and read the journals. (Come on, you would too.) The comments were like this:

"Mr. So-and-so is our substitute...He fell asleep in the chair and is on the floor..."
"We have a substitute today. He is passed out on the floor...."

Seriously. I know, I know....Diabetes is serious. I am a NURSE after all. But surely, you can see a LITTLE humor in this? If he would've been injured, or had this NOT been a predictable occurrence (according to Kevin) it would not be amusing, and would never have been in my blog. But it is MY BLOG. :) The impression one may get is that 2nd graders in that small community think that an adult passed out on the floor is no big deal... Either that or their petrified of getting out of their seats....Must be a really MEAN principal. :)



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