Saturday, January 07, 2006

A little bit of knowledge...can be catastrophic

My children have received a new kind of education today. Mostly Tavin. Her dad taught her to throw a punch. I think I can safely say this because my parents do not often read this blog and we are no longer "practicing" Mennonites. (A little inside joke.) However, that does bring up the question "Is the Mennonite church a denomination or an ethnic group?". I tend towards the "ethnicity" side....once a menno, always a menno, and if you're not a BORN Mennonite, you may not be a TRUE Mennonite. So, here's something else I haven't thought of before: Kevin and I were both raised in Mennonite churches by parents raised that way for generations before us. Our children were born to us while we were members of a non-denominational congregation, but yet we were "ethnic Mennonites"....what kind of Mennonite affiliation are they?

I realize I've gone way off on a tangent here, and I hope I have not offended anyone, for that is not my intent, nor is this really a serious subject that I am elaborating on. It is a subject that we talk about sometimes though. Kevin disagrees with my "once/always" theory and I don't hold too fast to that either. I digress....back to the punching.

I think Kevin is finally tired of physically removing little Simon from much bigger Tavin. Simon observed her getting the lesson, and although she fussed more about her hand hurting from hitting her dads palm, he did look a little worried. I'm not entirely comfortable with the notion, however......he's the dad, head of the household and all that stuff. (Translation: If anything bad happens from this it's his fault.) I am but the submissive wife and loving mother. (That should bring some comments.) He did teach Simon something today: How to run a football "pattern" in the house. I heard a few things that concerned me and then tried not to pay attention. Here they are:
1) "Simon, if you don't stop it I'm going to have Tavin come and punch you in the face." (tongue in cheek....I hope)
2) "Just wipe it on your shirt Simon".
3) "Try diving into the couch to catch it."
Full sized football, while he was holding Lucy, not a bright idea, maybe not even a bright day. We shall see!

Something else about Simon: Last night we went to the Skating rink for the first time with a couple of other kids and their parents/grandparents. Simon does not skate, but Tavin & Kevin did. I was on the "sideline" with Lucy and Simon. Simon, who doesn't have a concept of strangers, was jabbering away at some Hispanic ladies and their adorable children. It was soon obvious that they did not speak english, or if they did, weren't fluent enough to understand a fast-talking, high pitched little boy with a slight lisp. They would smile and look at me....they understood the universal sign I made with my hand for "yakety-yak". He didn't even seem to notice that he was the only one talking!



Blogger MacNana said...

Wow, I think Kevin is doing her a huge favor. She won't be like me and be laughed at by her husband when she is 25 years old and throws a playful punch at him with her thumb tucked in. I had no idea there was a right or wrong way to punch someone. I still can't remember for sure if the thumb is supposed to be out or in! Poor Simon doesn't know what's about to hit him!

10:20 PM  
Blogger SAHM said...

He does after last night. :)Not very bright yet though....he still hit her back 2 more times and yelled and screamed. Kevin watched and grinned! I couldn't believe it.

10:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What are your children? Becoming the Sons of God. Your cousin Steven says, he sings like a Baptist, prays like a Pentacostal, and was raised Mennonite.... He dosen't know what he is either. =(

7:32 PM  

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