Saturday, February 11, 2006

Mother-Daughter Lunch and the Lady Question

I was reminded by a very attentive aunt that I haven't yet revealed the content of Tavin's "lady" question. I will fix that immediately! I think. When I first established my blog, there was a random question that I could have answered. (Being a "random-concrete" personality type, last I'd checked, I immediately decided that I was sure that I didn't want to answer that one and have skimmed a few others, no keepers.) The question was along the lines of "Boy lions know they are "men lions" when they have a do "girl" lions know they are grown?".

Tavin and I were at the "spontaneous lunch" a few months ago now, when out of the blue, she asked, "Mom, how do you know when you're a lady?". I was immediately struck with the thought "Don't blow this off." Then, my random-concrete brain said "Don't bore her to tears and say too much." Then I thought..."Where did this come from?" and "Oh help..." somewhere along those lines. I know that I told her that being a "lady" wasn't something that can be measured by how old you are or by a certain "stage", but that it was mine and daddy's job to teach her what and how a lady is and acts. A true Lady is someone who knows her value is not based on what people think of her, or who "likes" her, but she is royalty because she is a daughter of God Most High and is already above what the world would call a "lady". I also mentioned that it was character and how she acts (that kind of stuff). Also, that it was Daddy's role to be the example of how a lady is to be treated, and how she can expect any "future suitor" (not in those terms) to treat her. I think that pretty much sums it I said it was a few months ago and I may have left something out. I know that after that, she seemed satisfied and I haven't heard anything more of it since. It is difficult not to be frightened of how she may let herself be treated or act, etc. if she is not sure of her identity when it counts. But, we will parent with boldness and faith, not out of fear and paranoia....hopefully! :) (There's that random-concrete again.)



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