Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Again, I'm massively "behind" as I was so gently reminded this weekend at our delayed Mother's Day celebration. So, here's the film I have yet to print, and I'm even behind in taking pictures!

During the week-long Dr. Seuss theme at school in March, Tavin went like this....Suzy-Who or something like that.

We took a family trip to the coast for an extra long weekend in March as well, Lucy really enjoyed the beach!
All of the beach, and she didn't care where it got on (or in) her person. After we got home, she found some sand in a coat pocket and (gulp) ate it. Chewed it and everything.
Beach time was wasn't too windy, but it was not warm. Just typical Oregon beach sunshine, the dry type.
Snack time where Lucy could enjoy "equal seating" and not be in a high chair or booster.
There was a tragic incident that happened less than 1 mile from our home. A boy was trapped in the surf and ultimately drowned, as did one of his young would-be rescuers. From our windows, we could see the S&R guys patrolling the beach for the next day looking for him (the rescuer). He was just recently recovered in the last couple of weeks, I believe.
Fast forward to April, when my mother and I took a road trip to Salt Lake City to pick up a minivan! :) Mom drove us there, along with my grandma (her mom) who we dropped off in Idaho. Then, we drove back after a 1 day-2 night stay. We had a great view from our hotel in Salt Lake (Priceline is great for 2 adult stays!) and watched airplanes.
More fast forwarding to 2 weeks ago......A friend/neighbor has several pets, one of whom is this cat "B.W." who is 7 yrs old, declawed, and "fixed". She got 2 new min. daschund puppies and his royal highness here did not appreciate their presence. He left smelly, staining evidence of his displeasure on her bathroom rugs and other personal articles.
He spent the first 2 weeks hiding, as in this baby basket of Lucy's doll, and just last night he purred and showed us some affection. I have been referring to him as "ghost cat" because he never makes an appearance except for some brief, quiet verbage at night. I'm also pleased to say he uses the litter box appropriately and exclusively.